RSC Live.

Ok, so I missed the first (and live!) showing of this as I was working but I’m super excited to see the encore showing on 7th February! I think the fact that the RSC have created the show in collaboration with Intel is very inspiring and will hopefully bring some innovative new technology and multi media elements to the performance.


Emma Rice and The Globe

I can’t believe Emma Rice has essentially been fired from her role as artistic director of The Globe. What exactly did they want and/or expect from her? Larger audiences? Check. Increased revenue? Check. Greater audience diversity and demographic? Check. In my opinion, this smacks of old school Shakespearean elitism, snobbery and trying to keep Shakespeare ‘special’ and in some way inaccessible to the ‘great unwashed’, an ethic which I fear Shakespeare himself would have taken issue with.

It’s a shame to see you go, Emma.

Bob Dylan

Last week, Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

I like Dylan as much as the next person, but a Nobel Prize?? Really??!

This is the first time a musician has been awarded such a prize, a noteworthy occurrence and one worthy of a discussion but I hesitated to post something about this as I wasn’t really sure how I felt about it. On the one hand, he’s a talented singer/songwriter with a string of hit songs and a career spanning several decades. On the other hand, it’s not strictly poetry (and I do love poetry!) and I feel it somehow devalues the Nobel Prize and what it represents. Maybe I just need to drag myself into the 21st Century??!!

Click on the photo of Dylan below to read an article on the Independent online, which quotes some of his most memorable and beautiful song lyrics. “Come mothers and fathers throughout the land, and don’t criticise what you can’t understand. Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command. Your old road is rapidly ageing.” – “The Times They Are A-Changin’”

I think I might just be coming round to this idea…



Scroobius Pip

Today I came across a performance poet called Scroobius Pip and he’s my new favourite thing (I’m fickle, I know, don’t hate me!) In his track ‘Introdiction’ he even says “nothing’s original”, how’s that for synchronicity considering I have been reading about ‘ghosting’ this week??!

Anyway, check him out…